If you live up to his beliefs, you will go to heaven. So if you died today, you will be asleep in the grave, there you will wait till judgement day.
Jesus did not come to destroy but to save! God wants
Everyone has a sinful nature, and there is no person without sin, so you shouldn't worry if you have committed a sin.
Will i go to heaven or hell. You will go to hell, the common grave. Don’t take the results seriously. Not just for you and the people you know, but for people since the beginning of time.
Please show respect and be civil in the comment section. But then again, do you really want to go to hell? It is intended for fun only so.
You are a loving and caring person and have empathy for those in pain. You are really quite spiritual even if you are not very religious. (well, if you believe in them, that is.) this short test will reveal whether you're going to heaven or to hell.
Day/time in the future when all of us will face judgment and enter an. Maybe it was your generosity.or your love of animals. A religious ‘seeker’ whose life was ‘radically’ changed by jesus
Abraham told the rich man, “ between us [heaven] and you [hell] a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.” (luke 16:26) the point is clear: As for heaven, if god decides after judgement day, you will. This is simply a personality quiz and it won’t determine your eternal fate.
Note also that jesus told mary not to touch him for he had not ascended to heaven. Therefore, going to hell is easier than going to heaven, as the bible said, matthew 7:14 for the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it. It is easier to go hell than heaven because there are a lot of things which are difficult to follow for us to go to heaven, almost all the things that most people love are leading to hell, it’s mostly things that we don’t like that can make us go to heaven.
Heaven is the place for good. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. Choose an option under each question, and check your result at the end.
A mobile video game asking players to choose whether adolf hitler should go to heaven or hell has sparked fierce backlash from jewish groups around australia. Heaven & hell are two complete opposites. He refers to deceased christians as those who “sleep” in jesus.
All who die in a state of grace, united to god in charity, without mortal sin on their souls, will ultimately attain heaven. I guess we don't know that for sure, but our beliefs have a big role in that aspect. It's gonna be one or the other!
All of this qualifies you to go straight to heaven! Souls of those who die without any guilt or unpaid debt for even venial sins on their souls will immediately rise to heaven. The whole heaven or hell this is a tough one.
But the person who is repentant of their past sins and trusts jesus to forgive their sins, that person will go to heaven. See you in hell, lol! If you are a catholic, the only correct way to get to heaven is to trust the lord jesus christ.
No one is perfect and we all could possibly appreciate a lifestyle change, right?are you an overall good person or a crappy person? So, will you go to heaven?. Do not invalidate a person’s religious beliefs (or lack of), remember to be nice!
Of course, if you don't believe in either, there's no afterlife. But in the first part it's hell, the common grave, not to be confused with the catholic doctrine a fiery torment. 1) we are not worthy to go to heaven in our own right.
Eternal destiny in either heaven with god or in hell, separated from god. Sleep is used as a metaphor for death. Cue the harp music and hark the herald angels sing!
Those who go to hell when they die are. (we simultaneous hold an understanding of our utter need for his mercy with faith in. Find out if you're going to hell or heaven!
In theory, all of us want to be good and wind up in heaven, but sometimes it is, oh, so boring to be good all the time. Would you guess that you're going to heaven or hell? You never wished anyone to die or get cancer.
The apostle paul never speaks of the dead as being alive in heaven or hell! It will separate you from god, his kingdom, and heaven forever if you go with what the bible says. “enter by the narrow gate.
For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. If you go with what people say you would believe, “go with how you feel”, “you were born with those homosexual desires”, “you were born that way”, “god loves you how you are” and many other worldly excuses. (he did not go to heaven until 40days after his ressurection)this implies that jesus soul or spirit did not go to heaven or hell as wrongly taught in churches but he was at rest in the grave as all the dead are till the end of the 3 days.
Here is the true and only way you can go to heaven nancy stafford: For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not. Through the narrow gate into heaven with our god and to bring as many as.
Surely this is motivation enough for us to make every effort to enter. As shocking as this may seem, the bible teaches that when we die, we remain dead until the resurrection. But do they even exist?
2) god wants no one in hell 3) jesus provides the free gift of mercy and love to which we have total faith. Hell is what we deserve. This test is just for fun!
We should also know about the hell and what people will enter into the hell. This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. The question of whether there are more people in heaven or hell is answered by jesus himself in one succinct passage:
The new testament says unbelievers go to hades when they die, and they eventually go to hell or the lake of fire. Any hateful speech will be deleted. Those who are wrongdoers and disbelievers will definitely go to hell or jahannam.
That really sounds like a bad scene. Those who don’t believe in allah almighty and religion islam will surely go to jahannam but also those who believe in islam and allah almighty but doing bad deeds will also get punished for their actions. Bloomberg, god and people appreciate all of the good things you have done for mankind, but you are still on your way to hell;
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